Kick-off event for the National Platform Future of Tourism

We are pleased to be managing the office of the National Platform Future of Tourism on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK). The project was launched at the kick-off event in Berlin on 11 May, at which the platform was presented.

The aim of the tourism policy is to strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of the tourism industry in times of crisis and to support the industry in its efforts to become more sustainable and climate-friendly for the future. Within the framework of the platform, working groups will be set up for the four future-oriented topics of climate neutrality, environmental and nature protection, digitalisation, securing skilled workers and competitiveness, in which specific work packages are to be developed in close cooperation with the participants. The aim is to identify best-practice initiatives, to disseminate them, to link them in a meaningful way and to reduce hurdles to implementation. The core objectives of the platform are to build a network of federal and state governments, science and the tourism industry, to further develop the National Tourism Strategy and to make the platform available to the entire industry.

Die Geschäftsstelle der Nationalen Plattform wird von Dr. Fried & Partner GmbH mit Unterstützung der inspektour GmbH betrieben. Unsere wichtigsten Aufgaben sind dabei Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung der Plattform sowie Organisation und Koordination der im Rahmen der Plattform tätigen Arbeitsgruppen.

© BMWK / Andreas Mertens
© BMWK / Andreas Mertens

More than 250 representatives of the industry attended the kick-off event in Berlin. The event was opened by Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. Dieter Janecek, Coordinator of the Federal Government for the Maritime Industry and Tourism, took over the presentation of the platform in dialogue with Sabine Dahl, the moderator of the day.

The four topics were discussed in break-out sessions and initial possibilities for the collaborative design of the future platform were identified.

The establishment of the National Platform for the Future of Tourism is an important signal for the future of the industry. In times of crisis, innovative, sustainable and climate-friendly concepts are needed to make both domestic and outbound tourism sustainable and successful. The platform offers an opportunity to work together on solutions and to place the tourism industry on a stable footing. The event was a great success and initial initiatives have emerged to drive improvements throughout the tourism industry. The Dr. Fried & Partner team is looking forward to further inspiring dialogues and exciting initiatives as the National Platform Future of Tourism is established and developed.

You can contact the team at the office at the following email address: