On 11 and 12 May, Dr. Fried & Partner held its first think tank in Austria, which has already been established in Germany in cooperation with the Travel Industry Club. This think tank was embedded in the new business and networking event ‘salz21 – Zukunft am Fluss’ organised by Messegesellschaft Salzburg.
In addition to domestic companies, start-ups, investors and international companies were represented at the New Business Days. Over two days, future topics were discussed, potential was explored and synergies were bundled. Above all, the participants benefited from the interdisciplinary industry networking, which opened up new perspectives.
An exciting format with a highly innovative character, from which the new think tank format of the Travel Industry Club Austria and Dr. Fried & Partner also benefited. Identical to the German format, the three sessions at salz21 focused on tourism topics. In line with the new trade fair format, the three think tanks focused on future topics such as ‘Data Analytics & Forcasting in Tourism’, ‘The Future of Travel’ and ‘Post Corona Customer Experience’. Arno Scharl from webLyzard, Günter Exel from Realizing Progress and Marc Schönfeld from numa introduced the exciting discussions between the participants with their keynote speeches.
Unlike the German format, the participants were not exclusively representatives of the tourism industry, which meant that the discussions were characterised by an interdisciplinary approach that uncovered new perspectives and synergies:
Source: YouTube-Channel TouristikNews
Informationen zum Think Tank Format vom Travel Industry Club und Dr. Fried & Partner finden Sie über diesen Link.