Globus Night Award 2022

touristik aktuell – the trade journal for the tourism industry – presented the Globus Award 2021 yesterday evening in the presence of around 250 tourism professionals at Depot 1899 in Frankfurt am Main.

Winners in the three travel agency categories were the travel agency ‘Travellers in Wettstetten’, the ‘First Reisebüro Wilmering in Vechta’ and ‘Derpart Reisebüro Vivell in Landsberg am Lech’. In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, these agencies demonstrated a high level of motivation, coupled with a wealth of ideas, courage and strong stamina in maintaining contact with customers and continuing to drive travel sales as far as possible.

The survey and evaluation of the top ten rankings with the best travel agency service in the categories of hotels, tourist boards, cruise operators, and special and package tour operators were carried out for the fifth time with the support of Dr. Fried & Partner. The results can be found on our blog and in the Globus section of touristik aktuell.

Commitment and appreciation in service are reflected in the ranking

The last two years have shaken up the ranking. The online voting of almost 1,500 travel salespeople shows that reliable and appreciative cooperation is becoming increasingly important. In addition to Alltours, Aldiana, Phoenix Reisen, Nicko Cruises and the Dominican Republic Tourist Board also made it into the top 3 for the first time.

No surprise at the top of the tour operators’ rankings

As in the last year, Schauinsland Reisen and Chamäleon again took the top spots in the rankings of tour operators. This is the fifth time that Schauinsland Reisen has defended its top position. Both were praised for the goodwill, accessibility, competence and friendliness of their service centres. The three large companies (DER Touristik, FTI and TUI) are not among the top performers this year and therefore do not appear to have provided the desired support in times of crisis.

A joint end to the evening

After a cosy aperitif reception on the sunny terrace and the appreciative award ceremony, moderated by Christiane Blaeser and Matthias Gürtler, the winners were toasted. The evening was rounded off with delicious food and live music, with one or two people also cutting a rug on the dance floor.