“Where will the journey take us in 2023?” – Dr. Markus Heller in the Reise vor9 podcast 

In the latest episode of the Reise vor9 podcast, Dr. Markus Heller, Managing Partner at Dr. Fried & Partner and Managing Director of Travel Data + Analytics GmbH, talks to editor-in-chief Christian Schmicke about the prospects for tourism. 

Below is the article “Podcast: Where is the journey heading in 2023?” by Christian Schmicke, published on December 21, 2022 on reisevor9.de, quoted: 

“How are price increases and inflation affecting demand? What about the individualization of package tours and the future of classic travel packages? And how is the competition between OTAs and travel agencies developing? We talk about this in the Reise vor9 podcast with market researcher and management consultant Dr. Markus Heller. 

As a partner in the management consultancy Dr. Fried & Partner and the market research company Travel Data + Analytics, Heller has a more in-depth insight into the data and developments in the German travel market than almost anyone else. Reason enough for a joint outlook for 2023 and beyond. 

Overall, the tourism year 2023 could be quite reasonable despite all the crises if the travel industry succeeds in keeping its offer attractive for those earning low and medium salaries, the expert believes. 

At the same time, the medium-term aim will be to free package tours from their one-sided focus on safety and security by adding more individual elements. This could also attract younger travellers who are not looking for off-the-peg beach vacations but are also tired of having to wade through an impenetrable jungle of individual offers. 

We also discuss the competition between travel agencies and online platforms as well as the need for innovation in the relationships between tourism players in the pre-Christmas Reise vor9 podcast. And last but not least, we talk about the importance of service fees.” 

Click here for the complete Reise vor9 podcast with further interesting insights: