I. Organizer of the competition

Dr.Fried & Partner GmbH
Lessingstraße 6
80336 Munich

II Period/closing date

The competition takes place quarterly and runs until further notice. Participation is possible if a completed questionnaire has been submitted at least twice in the previous three months. The questionnaire can be completed and submitted for nine days from the first Tuesday of each month.

III. Conditions for participation; exclusion

All employees of a travel agent who have reached the age of 18 are eligible to participate.

Employees of the organizer, their relatives and all persons involved in the execution of the competition are excluded from participation.

In the event of a breach of these conditions of participation, undue influence on the competition, the provision of false data or a breach of applicable law or third-party rights, the participant will be excluded from the competition.

Each person can only take part in the quarterly competition once.

IV. Participation treatment

Participation consists of the timely submission of the completed questionnaire on the sales climate index for two of the three previous months to Dr. Fried & Partner GmbH.

V. Determination of the winner and notification; announcement of the winner

The winner will be selected by random draw from all those who qualify in accordance with sections III and IV.

The winner will be notified within 10 days of the closing date.

Fried & Partner GmbH reserves the right to select a new winner if notification is not possible due to incorrect information provided by the participant.

If the winner does not contact Fried & Partner GmbH within 3 days of receiving notification of the prize, Fried & Partner GmbH reserves the right to select a new winner.

By participating in the competition, the person entitled to participate agrees that the name of the respective winners, including the respective travel sales office, may be mentioned in the trade media and in the organizer’s participant emails.

VI Profit

The prizes awarded each quarter result from the respective invitation email to participate in the sales climate index survey. Payment of the prizes is excluded.

VII Reservation of right of amendment

Dr. Fried & Partner GmbH reserves the right to change the conditions of participation at any time and to terminate or interrupt the competition at any time for good cause without prior notice.

VIII. Data protection

The participant data provided by the participant will be processed separately for the purposes of conducting the competition and used for prize notification and reporting to the extent specified above and deleted after the end of the competition.

The participant is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided.

Participants can object to the processing of their data at any time. However, participation in the competition is then no longer possible. Contact details for the objection and other rights in connection with data processing can be found in our privacy policy.

The processing of data as part of the survey for the sales climate index remains unaffected by the data processing for the purpose of conducting the competition.

IX. Miscellaneous

Legal recourse is excluded. German law applies.